Բոլոր իրադարձությունները
փետրվարի 6-ին, ժամը 18:30-ին – 20:00
Ավելացնել Օրացույց
02/06/2025 6:30 PM
02/06/2025 8:00 PM
Meet other parents and caregivers in the NLACRC area. Find out about Regional Center services and other family supports.…

Meet other parents and caregivers in the NLACRC area. Find out about Regional Center services and other family supports.
For questions please contact Katharyn at katharyn.sinelli@csun.edu
Please register here: https://csun.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZwkcemoqD4oGNcbdY0QLnZRPuLb6b8rt2fo#/registration