We are experiencing a phone outage that is affecting inbound and outbound calls, SMS texting, and fax services. Please check back for updates.

Եթե դուք ունեք շտապ բժշկական օգնություն, խնդրում ենք զանգահարել 9-1-1 հեռախոսահամարով:

NLACRC-ն գործարկել է մեր VENDOR PORTAL-ը: Եթե ունեք հարցեր կամ դեռ չեք գրանցվել, խնդրում ենք կապ հաստատել vendorportal@nlacrc.org.

Ծառայություններ մատուցողներ

NLACRC works with hundreds of highly skilled service providers who provide community-based, person-centered services. These providers are committed to our excellence in meeting the needs of individuals with developmental disabilities, and their families.

Service providers must be vendored by a regional center before they can provide and be reimbursed for services. “Vendorization” is the term used to describe the entire approval process involved in preparing to provide services to regional center consumers. While this process often involves obtaining licenses or approvals from other State and local agencies prior to becoming a vendor, the main point of contact is the local regional center. The application process starts there, and they will be your guide throughout the entire process.

For information about the vendorization process, please see the Ինչպես դառնալ ծառայություններ մատուցող page.

Title 17 Regulations

There are specific Title 17 regulations that you as a service provider should be familiar with – here are the links to those regulations.

Service Provider Accountability

General Vendor Requirements

Residential Services and Quality Assurance

Title 22 Regulations

Title 22 has regulations for the licensing of Community Care Facilities (CCFs)