Մատչելի Բնակարան
To search for affordable housing in Southern California (SoCal), you can try the following:
- Visit the California Department of Housing and Community Development website (https://www.hcd.ca.gov/) to learn about affordable housing programs and resources available in the state.
- Use the Affordable Housing Online website (https://www.affordablehousingonline.com/) to search for affordable housing options in SoCal. You can search by location, rent range, and other criteria.
- Check out the websites of local housing authorities in the area you’re interested in. These agencies often offer affordable housing programs and resources for low-income residents. Here are some examples:
- Housing Authority of the City of Los Angeles: http://www.hacla.org/en
- Orange County Housing Authority: https://www.ochousing.org/
- San Diego Housing Commission: https://www.sdhc.org/
- Consider reaching out to non-profit organizations that specialize in affordable housing. Here are a few examples:
- Habitat for Humanity of Greater Los Angeles: https://www.habitatla.org/
- Mercy Housing California: https://www.mercyhousing.org/california/
- Southern California Association of Non-Profit Housing: https://scanph.org/
Keep in mind that affordable housing options in SoCal can be limited and may have waiting lists. It’s important to be patient and persistent in your search. Good luck!