RFP – Ինքնորոշման ծրագրի միջոցներ 2023-24 Երկրորդ մաս

 Request for Proposal – Self Determination Program – Published Date: 10/01/2024

Self-Determination Local Volunteer Advisory Committees (LVAC) were established by law to provide oversight of the Self Determination Program (SDP) and make recommendations for improvement to each local regional center and the Department of Developmental Services. In Accordance with Welfare and Institutions (W&I) Code Section 4685.8(g), North Los Angeles County Regional Center (“NLACRC”), has received funds from the Department of Developmental Services (“DDS”) to support the implementation of the Self-Determination Program (“SDP”).

W&I Code section 4685.8(g) specifies these funds shall be used to maximize the ability of SDP participants to direct their own lives. DDS, in consultation with stakeholders, identified priority areas for the funding including:

• Recruitment and training of person-centered planning and Self-Directed (SD) Supports providers and independent facilitators with a focus on increasing the number of bilingual, bicultural providers;
• Joint training for participants, families, regional centers, LVAC members and others with a focus on training self-advocates and families from diverse communities that are under-represented in the SDP;
• Assistance with spending plan development; and,
• Collaborative groups/workshops to foster ongoing, shared learning and problem-solving opportunities.

The Self-Determination Program provides participants with the opportunity to develop and implement person-centered plans based on an individualized budget that the participants control, within program guidelines. NLACRC and the LVAC are seeking proposals from interested parties to carry out one or more of the projects listed below.

The purpose of these projects is to provide additional support to navigate the SDP process and help move the transition forward. The prospective applicant must demonstrate a strong understanding of the Self-Determination Program. The prospective applicant must be able to work collaboratively with others in a multi-agency, interdisciplinary configuration (e.g., individuals served, families, regional center, LVAC) for the successful support of the individual.

Proposal Due Date: November 28, 2024 at 11:59pm.

Proposal Submission: selfdetermination@nlacrc.org

Rate of Reimbursement: The rate of reimbursement for services will vary per project and individual need, and subject to review. Please note the rates of reimbursement will need to be identified by ամենժամյա rates for the respective scope of work.

Proposals are being accepted for the following projects:

I. Joint Training on SDP Principles & Program Logistics:
Development and implementation of ongoing training for SDP participants, families, regional center staff and SD-LVAC members on SDP principles and program logistics, including person-centered planning.

Total available:
Fiscal Year 2023/24- $ 7,500.00

*Funds need to be utilized and billed for by 12/31/2025

Proposal preparation guide:

• Name of organization or individual.
• Project/s of interest.
• What experience and skills make you qualified to carry out this project?
• What is your experience with person-centered planning?
• In what language(s) can you fluently provide support?
• List any relevant qualifications.
• Statement of work describing the services to be provided.
• Your hourly billing rate for services (This should include the Spanish interpretation)

II. Small Group or 1:1 Coaching for Independent Facilitators:
Provide training and support for Independent Facilitators providing services in the NLACRC catchment areas. This could include training in:
• All areas of the SDP.
• NLACRC’s Service Standards, Lanterman Act, HBS, and DDS Directives.
• The role of Independent Facilitators.
• Training the SDP transition process at NLACRC.
• Creating spending plans.
• Critical thinking and problem solving in SDP.
• How to advocate for participants.

Total available:
Fiscal Year 2023/24- $25,000.00

*Funds need to be utilized and billed for by 12/31/2025

Proposal preparation guide:

• Name of organization or individual.
• Project/s of interest.
• What experience and skills make you qualified to carry out this project?
• What is your experience with person-centered planning?
• In what language(s) can you fluently provide support?
• List any relevant qualifications.
• Statement of work describing the services to be provided.
• Your ամենժամյա billing rate for services.

Eligible Applicants:
Both non-profit and proprietary organizations are eligible to apply. Employees of Regional Centers are not eligible to apply. Applicants must disclose any potential conflicts of interest per Title 17 Section 54500. The applicant must secure and maintain their own liability insurance at the time of RFP being awarded.

Evaluation and Selection Procedures:
All proposals received by the deadline will be reviewed and scored by the Proposal Screening Committee selected by NLACRC. Proposals will be reviewed for timeliness, completeness, quality, experience and fiscal stability of applicant, reasonableness of costs, ability of applicant to identify and achieve consumer outcomes, and the ability of proposed project to respond to the identified needs of NLACRC. After preliminary review and scoring, an interview with the finalists will be scheduled. The final decision of the Proposal Screening Committee is not subject to appeal. All applicants will receive notification of NLACRC’s decision regarding their proposal.

The Proposal Screening Committee will use the criteria below to rate all proposals submitted by applicants. Each proposal will receive a maximum score as follows:

Առաջարկների բաժին
Առավելագույն միավոր
 Experience and expertise20 
Organizational chart; qualifications and experience of staff; recruitment, staff training, bilingual staff 20
 Estimated number of consumers and families to be served under the proposal 20
 Proposal Cost 20
 Statement of work describing the services to be provided 20
 Ընդհանուր առավելագույն միավորներ 100

Award process:

Upon selection, NLACRC will issue an Award Letter to the applicant selected for the provision of services. The award letter will provide instructions for completing the contracting process, to include a contract, business associate agreement, and documentation of appropriate insurance. The applicant selected will be expected to complete and submit all required documentation to complete the contracting process.

Reservation of rights:
NLACRC reserves the right to request or negotiate changes in a proposal, to accept all or part of a proposal, or to reject any or all proposals. NLACRC may, at its sole and absolute discretion, select no provider for these services if, in its determination, no applicant is sufficiently responsive to the need. NLACRC reserves the right to withdraw this Request for Proposal (RFP) and/or any item within the RFP at any time without notice. NLACRC reserves the right to disqualify any proposal which is incomplete or does not comply to the RFP guidelines. This RFP is being offered at the discretion of NLACRC. It does not commit the regional center to award any grant.

Costs for proposal submission:
Հայտատուները, ովքեր պատասխանում են RFP-ին, կրում են առաջարկի մշակման և ներկայացման հետ կապված բոլոր ծախսերը:

Inquiries/request for assistance:
Այս դիմումի հետ կապված բոլոր լրացուցիչ հարցումները կամ միայն այս RFP-ի համար տեխնիկական աջակցություն խնդրելը պետք է ուղղվեն selfdetermination@nlacrc.org.

Applicants must demonstrate the following:
• Understanding of SDP and the steps needed to transition into the program.
• Understanding of person-center thinking.
• Inclusive of Person-Centered Planning (PCP) and Independent Facilitator (IF) training.
• Experience with providing direct services/supports to persons with developmental disabilities or special needs.
• Demonstrated training or skills for the proposed project.
• A history of positive working relationships with the community and applicable government agencies. If applicant is a current vendor, applicant must be in good standing with the regional center.
• Experience in project development, including the ability to complete projects, meet project
timelines and manage a project of this size and scope.
• Bilingual in Spanish, preferred.

Selection timeline is as follow:

  1. Submission of Proposal Due to NLACRC by Nov 28, 2024 at 11:59pm.
  2. Screening & Interviews will be December 2-6.
  3. Start date: To be determined

Submission of proposals:
All proposals must conform to the attached Proposal Writing Guidelines and Content Requirements. The applicant must submit the completed proposal as one electronic copy to selfdetermination@nlacrc.org. No fax copies will be accepted. The proposals must be complete, typewritten, collated, and page numbered. No proposals will be accepted after the deadline.