Համայնքի տեղաբաշխման պլան (CPP) / Համայնքային ռեսուրսների զարգացման պլան (CRDP)
October 9, 2023
Համայնքի տեղաբաշխման պլան (CPP) / Համայնքային ռեսուրսների զարգացման պլան (CRDP)
North Los Angeles Regional Center (NLACRC) seeks to ascertain stakeholder input regarding the proposed Fiscal Year 2023-2024 Community Placement Plan (CPP) / Community Resource Development Plan (CRDP) projects. WIC Section 4679(c) authorizes the Department of Developmental Services (DDS) to allocate funds to regional centers for purposes of community resource development to address services and supports needs of individuals living in the community, and to issue guidelines on the use of these funds.
Pursuant to the DDS published 2023-2024 CPP & CRDP Guidelines, NLACRC conducted outreach activities throughout the year with diverse stakeholder groups, including individuals, family members, providers, and advocates to solicit input for the 2023-2024 CPP & CRDP projects. Outreach activities included targeted surveys, which were distributed via email and posted to NLACRC’s website and social media, meetings with stakeholders, as well as solicitation of input during public meetings such as the NLACRC Vendor Advisor Committee (VAC). Additionally, a review of associated data identified trends in demographics and service needs leading to the following proposed list of projects:
1 Adult Residential Facility for Persons with Special Health Care Needs (ARPSHN) to provide 24-hour health care and intensive support services for individuals with developmental disabilities needing community placement or deflection from Skilled Nursing Facilities (4-bed home)
1 Enhanced Behavioral Supports Home (EBSH) with Nursing Supports for adults with severe behavioral supports needs and medical conditions requiring nursing care (4 bed)
1 Enhanced Behavioral Supports Home (EBSH) for adults with severe behavioral supports needs (4 bed)
1 Enhanced Behavioral Supports Home (EBSH) with Mental Health component for individuals with severe behavioral supports and mental health service needs (4 bed)
1 Adult Residential Facility (ARF) Level 4I, with Delayed Egress for individuals with substance abuse and mental health service needs (4 bed)
1 Adult Residential Facility (ARF) Level 4I to serve adults with forensic backgrounds, who may also have significant behavioral challenges and mental health service needs (4 bed)
For those stakeholders interested in providing input regarding the identified projects, please contact resourcedevelopment@nlacrc.org, subject line “FY23-24 CPP/CRDP,” by October 20, 2022. (Please Note: This is a request for input on the identified projects only. A Request for Proposals for DDS-approved projects will be posted at a future date.)