
Social Recreation, Camp and Non-Medical Therapies – Service Codes (various)

June 14, 2024

Social Recreation, Camp and Non-Medical Therapies

Request for Vendorization (RFV)

Published Date: April 4, 2022

Closing Date: Ongoing until resource need declines


In conjunction with our Fiscal Year 2021-2022 Resource Development Plan, North Los Angeles County Regional Center (NLACRC) is now accepting proposal submissions for the Social Recreation, Camp, and Non-Medical Therapies Request for Vendorization (RFV) cycle.

Entities wishing to develop a service identified below may submit their proposal following the instructions provided here. Submission of a proposal is not the vendorization process itself, but the first step to being vendored with NLACRC. Proposals are reviewed and eligible applicants will be selected to move to the next stage of development, which involves technical assistance regarding the vendorization process. All applicants must demonstrate that they possess the necessary relevant professional experience and organizational capacity to create and sustain high quality, effective, long-term services, and are responsive to the needs of the individuals served.

Applicants must plan to have a physical office located in the NLACRC catchment area. In addition, it is highly recommended that applicants be able to provide services in a minimum of one language other than English (see Languages listed below). If the service you are interested in providing is not listed in the projects below, you will need to submit a proposal during the next applicable cycle of development. Please Note: There are no start-up funds associated with this RFV. Applicants are responsible for 100% of the initial start-up costs and continued maintenance of the business. However, please note that per regulation, pursuant to Title 17 section 54322, (d) (10), Regional Centers cannot guarantee referrals.


PROJECT #1: Socialization Training Program (028) All Valleys
PROJECT #2: Communities Activities Support Services (063) All Valleys
PROJECT #3: Social Recreational Program (525) All Valleys
PROJECT #4: Specialized Recreational Therapy (106) All Valleys
PROJECT #5: Art Therapist (691) All Valleys
PROJECT #6: Dance Therapist (692) All Valleys
PROJECT #7: Music Therapist (693) All Valleys
PROJECT #8: Recreational Therapist (694) All Valleys
PROJECT #9: Camping Services (850) All Valleys
All Valleys = Antelope Valley, Santa Clarita Valley & San Fernando Valley


Alternative Language List:


American Sign Language (ASL)



Chinese – Cantonese

Chinese – Hakka

Chinese – Mandarin

Chinese – Other




Persian (Farsi)


Spanish or Spanish Creole



 Social Recreation, Camp and Non-Medical Therapies Request for Vendorization (RFV) Calendar:
April 4, 2022 Camp and Social Recreation RFV Release Date
April 13, 2022, 2:00 – 4:00 p.m. Informational Applicants’ Conference
Ongoing until need is met Camp and Social Recreation RFV Submission Deadline
Ongoing Evaluation of Proposals by Resource Development Team
Ongoing Proposal Status (Complete/Incomplete) Emailed to Applicants
TBD Secondary Applicants’ Conference via Zoom



In accordance with our Community Resource Development plan, NLACRC strives to provide the needed resources and supports within our geographical catchment area. The first step to becoming an NLACRC vendor is to submit a proposal during an applicable cycle of development. At NLACRC there are three cycles of development: Request for Proposal (RFP), Request for Vendorization (RFV), and Open Proposal Period (OPP). Please note that NLACRC does not send out vendor application packets. Submitting a proposal is the not the vendorization process itself, but only the first step. For more information regarding the development cycle process at NLACRC please visit How to Become a Service Provider | NLACRC.



All proposals must conform to the Proposal Writing Guidelines and Content Requirements detailed below. The applicant must submit the completed proposal to No fax copies or physical copies dropped off at NLACRC will be accepted. The proposals must be complete, typewritten, collated, page numbered, and submitted electronically via email. If a deadline is indicated within the Writing Guidelines, no proposals will be accepted after the deadline.


Due to email constraints, NLACRC recommends proposals be submitted in multiple (i.e., three or more) emails. Be sure to label the emails based on the number of emails – for example, 1 of 3, 2 of 3, etc. If your email series does not generate a final response email in return, the files were too large and were not received.



NLACRC reserves the right to request or negotiate changes in a proposal, to accept all or part of a proposal, or to reject any or all proposals. NLACRC reserves the right to withdraw this Request for Vendorization (RFV) and/or any item within the RFV at any time without notice.  NLACRC reserves the right to disqualify any proposal which does not adhere to the RFV guidelines. This RFV is being offered at the discretion of NLACRC. There are no start-up funds associated with RFV projects.




The applicant is required to submit a proposal as an electronic copy formatted as a PDF.  An application will be disqualified from consideration for failure to follow instructions, complete documents, submit required documents, or meet the submission deadline.  All proposals submitted must adhere to the following requirements:

  • Use Standard size format so proposal will print out on a standard 8 ½ x 11 paper
  • Proposal must be typed using a standard font (12 pt.).
  • Complete submission must not exceed a total of 40 pages, excluding cost statement.
  • Every page must be numbered consecutively.
  • The NLACRC Proposal Title Page must be the first page of the proposal. The project to be developed must be indicated by checking one of the boxes.
  • The proposal must include a Table of Contents that corresponds to Content Requirements.
  • All sections of the Content Requirements must be addressed in the proposal.




NLACRC WILL ONLY ACCEPT THE PROPOSAL TITLE PAGE PROVIDED FOR THIS RFV PROPOSAL CYCLE. Please provide the name, address, and telephone number of the applicant.  If the applicant is a corporation, list the principal members of the corporation and include verification of incorporation.  Identify the author(s) of the proposal.  List any parties who participated in writing all or part of the proposal. Please print legibly.






    a. Provide a 1-2 page summary of the applicant’s qualifications that details education, knowledge, and experience providing services to persons with developmental disabilities, and include a brief description of applicant’s experience in developing and operating the type of service for which you are submitting a proposal.
    b. Provide a copy of your resume with at least two (2) references with addresses and telephone numbers, and a statement permitting that references may be verified by NLACRC. Applicants should be aware that the selection committee will contact references or other sources to corroborate any information provided in the proposal.


  1. BUSINESS PLAN – Please note this is not the program design




  1. If applicable, a copy of LLC paper/corporation documents/DBA documents.


    a. Provide a statement outlining applicant’s plan to serve diverse populations, including, but not limited to, culturally and linguistically diverse populations.
    b. Provide examples of applicant’s commitment to addressing the needs of those diverse populations.
    c. Provide any additional information that the applicant deems relevant to issues of equity and diversity.