Purchase of Service Data Informational Meetings – March 25th at 1 PM & 6 PM

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Nominating Committee


Composition and Membership of the Committee

The Nominating Committee is established as a standing committee in Article VII, Section 5 of the bylaws of the North Los Angeles County Regional Center (NLACRC). As required in the bylaws, the committee has a membership of not less than four, all of whom shall be board members. The committee is responsible for electing its own chairperson. A quorum consists of 50% of the committee. Members serve for two years, with not more than two members of the Nominating Committee being replaced annually to provide for continuity.

Responsibilities of the Committee

The Nominating Committee is responsible for collecting, categorizing, screening and keeping on file all applications for membership on the Board of Trustees, and Vendor Advisory Committee (VAC). The applications are to be kept confidential. Only committee members, the board president, and executive director may have access to the applications. The committee is responsible for ensuring that qualified and interested persons are nominated for
positions on the Board of Trustees and VAC. Finally, the committee is responsible for ensuring that the make-up of the board and VAC complies with the Lanterman Developmental Disabilities Services Act.


Presentation and Seating of New Board Members, Board Officers, and VAC Members

At regular Board of Trustees meetings, the new trustees, new VAC members, and, as necessary, new board officers are elected. They are seated as determined by the needs of the board consistent with NLACRC board bylaws and policies. Members of the Board of Trustees may serve consecutive 1-year, 2-year, or 3-year terms up to 7 years within an 8-year period. Election to the board is by a majority vote. Although the board may choose to leave seats on the board vacant temporarily for specific reasons, no more than seven seats may be kept vacant at any one time. Members of the VAC may serve no more than six years and no more than two members from an agency may serve on the VAC at the same time.

Operating Processes for the Nominating Committee

To assure appropriate membership on the Nominating Committee, the secretary1 shall keep a current list of committee members, indicating the name of each member, date appointed to the committee, and date of termination on the committee. This list shall be kept with the board files and a copy will be provided to the chairperson of the Nominating Committee.

Confidentiality of the Nominating Committee

By its very nature, the Nominating Committee engages in issues involving individuals and, at times, may be faced with considering actions affecting members of the committee and other members of the board.

Each member of the Nominating Committee shall sign a Confidentiality Statement at the first meeting of the committee each year. The statement shall be filed in the board member’s NLACRC file that is maintained by the secretary.

To avoid any appearance of conflict of interest, if any member of the Nominating Committee has applied to serve an additional term on the board or is being considered for nomination to an office, he/she shall absent himself/herself from the meeting room for the duration of the discussion concerning his/her application/nomination. His/her absence shall be noted in the minutes of the meeting.