We are experiencing a phone outage that is affecting inbound and outbound calls, SMS texting, and fax services. Please check back for updates.

If you have a medical emergency, please call 9-1-1.

NLACRC has launched our VENDOR PORTAL! If you have questions or have not yet registered, please contact vendorportal@nlacrc.org.

DDS Directives for Service Providers

The Department of Developmental Services (DDS) frequently distributes directives to regional centers providing guidance and instruction on various policy issues. NLACRC will keep you informed of all directives that may affect our vendor/service provider community via this page. You may also visit the DDS website.

4/26/24 Vendor Rate Adjustments for Employee Sick Leave effective 1/1/2024

Directive to clarify rate adjustment request process for vendors with rates set by DDS and with rates set through negotiation related to Senate Bill (SB) 616 for additional required 16 hours or two days of sick leave beyond the previously mandated 24 hours or three days. Revised Adult Residential Model rates for Community Care Facilities is also published with this Directive.

2/6/24 Social Recreation, Camping and Non-Medical Therapies – Legislative Intent and Provider Access

Directive to clarify the requirements contained in Welfare and Institutions (W&I) Code section 4688.22 and provide guidance to regional centers on facilitating access to providers and vendorization of social recreation services, camping services, and nonmedical therapies including but not limited to, specialized recreation, art, dance, and music (social recreation, camping and nonmedical therapies); the requirements for facilitating vendorization and using participant-directed services; and, the application of Usual and Customary (U&C) rates as outlined in California Code of Regulations (CCR), Title 17 section 57210(a)(19)

You may also visit the DDS Upcoming Events calendar for upcoming workgroups that provide additional detail and reference to Directives.