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Provisional Eligibility Program

Children 0 to 5 years old may be eligible for regional center services under the Lanterman Act provisionally. The child does not need to be found to have a developmental disability to be eligible. However, the child must:

  1. Have a disability that is not solely physical in nature, and
  2. Must have significant functional limitations in at least two of the following areas:
    • Self-care
    • Receptive and expressive language
    • Learning
    • Mobility
    • Self-direction

A provisionally eligible child will have a review of records prior to age five to determine if a substantially handicapping developmental disability is present.

To apply or re-apply for services, e-mail intake@nlacrc.org or contact the Intake referral line at (818) 778-1900.

If you currently receive Early Start services, ask your service coordinator for more information.