Purchase of Service Data Informational Meetings – March 25th at 1 PM & 6 PM

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NLACRC has launched our VENDOR PORTAL! If you have questions or have not yet registered, please contact vendorportal@nlacrc.org.

Reporting Requirements for Service Providers

All Regional Center service providers vendors and long-term health care facilities must report occurrences of suspected abuse, suspected neglect, injury requiring medical attention, unplanned hospitalization, and missing persons, if they occur when a Regional Center consumer is receiving services funded by a regional center. (Reference: 17 CCR, Section 54327)

In addition, any occurrence of consumer mortality or a consumer being the victim of a crime must be reported whether or not it occurred while the consumer was under vendored care. (from DDS Semi-Annual Report on Mortality, July-Dec 2009)

Special Incident Report (SIR)