NLACRC Offices Closed Wednesday, January 1st, 2025. Regular business hours resume on Thursday, January 2nd, 2025.

اگر اورژانس پزشکی دارید، لطفا با شماره 9-1-1 تماس بگیرید.

برای مشکلات فوری با 24 ساعته ما تماس بگیرید خط تلفن بعد از ساعت کاری در (818) 778-1900.


How can I determine in which regional center’s catchment area my program/service is located?

14 ژوئن 2024

Location for site-based programs is determined based upon the address of the program site. For programs which are conducted solely in the community, location is determined based upon the vendor’s business address. (link to map/list of regional centers’ catchment areas) (Title 17, Section 54340)