خرید داده های خدمات

Service Expenditure Data Report for FY2023-24

Purchase of Service Data Informational Meeting


Purchase of Service (POS) Data

Welfare & Institutions Code, Section 4519.5, requires the Department of Developmental Services (“DDS”) and regional centers to collaborate to compile data relating to the purchase of service authorization, utilization, and expenditure annually.

The purchase of service data must be categorized by:

  • Age of consumer:
    -Birth to age two, inclusive,
    -Three to 21, inclusive,
    -Twenty-two and older
  • Race or ethnicity of the consumer.
  • The primary language spoken by the consumer, and other related details.
  • Disability detail.
  • Residence type, including age, race or ethnicity, and primary language.

The data must include the number and percentage of individuals by age, race or ethnicity, disability, and residence type, who have been determined to be eligible for regional center services but are not receiving Purchase of Service (“POS”) funds.

Within three months of compiling the data with DDS, each regional center must meet with stakeholders in a public meeting to discuss the data. The dates of these meetings will be posted on this page as soon as they are available.

Service Expenditure Data Report for FY2023-24

Purchase of Service Data Survey

Purchase of Service Presentation

Service Expenditure Data Report for FY2022-23

Purchase of Service Data Informational Meeting

تاریخTuesday, March 26, 2024
زمان: 10:00 AM-11:30 AM
به جلسه زوم بپیوندید
شناسه جلسه: 896 3142 3906
رمز عبور: 119003

تاریخWednesday, March 27, 2024
زمان: 6:00PM – 7:30 PM
به جلسه زوم بپیوندید
شناسه جلسه: 895 0162 0065
رمز عبور: 264656

Purchase of Service (POS) Data

Welfare & Institutions Code, Section 4519.5, requires the Department of Developmental Services (“DDS”) and regional centers to collaborate to compile data relating to the purchase of service authorization, utilization, and expenditure annually.

The purchase of service data must be categorized by:

  • Age of consumer:
    -Birth to age two, inclusive,
    -Three to 21, inclusive,
    -Twenty-two and older
  • Race or ethnicity of the consumer.
  • The primary language spoken by the consumer, and other related details.
  • Disability detail.
  • Residence type, including age, race or ethnicity, and primary language.

The data must include the number and percentage of individuals by age, race or ethnicity, disability, and residence type, who have been determined to be eligible for regional center services but are not receiving Purchase of Service (“POS”) funds.

Within three months of compiling the data with DDS, each regional center must meet with stakeholders in a public meeting to discuss the data. The dates of these meetings will be posted on this page as soon as they are available.

Service Expenditure Data Report submitted to DDS for FY2022-23

Purchase of Service Data Survey

Purchase of Service Presentation

Changes in service delivery and billing in response to the COVID-19 pandemic may have affected individuals and communities differently. Care should be taken in comparing FY 22/23 data to data for previous years. In response to the pandemic and varied individual needs and circumstances, billing for some services changed to a monthly rate instead of hourly or daily rates.  As a result, this may have reduced differences among individuals in service authorizations, expenditures, and utilization.

Purchase of Service (POS) Data in PDF format for the Fiscal Year 2022-2023:

Total Annual Expenditures and Authorized Services by Ethnicity or Race

Total Annual Insurance-Related Expenditures

Total Annual Expenditures & Authorized Services by Ethnicity or Race by Residence Type

Total Annual Expenditures & Authorized Services by Language for Residence Type

Consumers with No Purchase of Services