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Eligibility Information

Eligibility Information

North Los Angeles County Regional Center (NLACRC) is one of 21 private, non-profit organizations under contract with the California Department of Developmental Services (DDS) to coordinate and provide community-based services to persons with developmental disabilities (consumers), as well as providing Early Start services for infants and toddlers with certain delays and established risk conditions. NLACRC serves people who live in the San Fernando, Santa Clarita, and Antelope Valleys.

Depending on the age of the person applying, please complete either the Early Start Program application (0-3 years old) or Lanterman Act Services (over 3 and adult) application to begin the intake process.

Early Start Program (Birth to 3 years)

‘A Family Introduction to California Early Start’ Brochure
Common Services

Eligibility for Early Start is based on an infant or toddler having one or more of the following conditions:

  • A 25% delay in one or more areas of development (cognitive, physical, expressive language, receptive language, social or emotional, adaptive) before 36 months.
  • High-Risk for developmental disability due to a combination of two or more risk factors.
  • An Established Risk condition. This is a diagnosed medical condition which has a high probability of resulting in a developmental delay, and/or disability.

If the child is turning 3 within 45 days complete the over Lanterman Act Services Ages 3+ application. To determine your child’s eligibility, NLACRC will complete an evaluation to assess your child’s developmental level. Additionally, a review of your child’s available medical history/records is required. Early Start eligibility determination may take up to 45 days.

Birth to five (5) years old children may be eligible for regional center services under the Lanterman Act provisionally.

The child does not need to be found to have a developmental disability to be eligible if the child from birth or five (5) years old. However, the child must:

  • Have a disability that is not solely physical nature, and
  • Must have significant functional limitations in at least two of the following areas:
  • Self-care
  • Receptive and expressive language
  • Learning
  • Mobility
  • Self-direction

Prior to age five (5), a child must be reassessed to see if the child has a developmental disability which is needed to be eligible for ongoing regional center services.

To apply or re-apply for services, apply below or call (818) 778-1900.

If you currently receive Early Start services, ask your Service Coordinator for more information.

Lanterman Act Services (Ages 3+ through Adult)

To be eligible for Regional Center Services an individual must have a Developmental Disability as per California Law and Regulation.

A developmental disability is a condition attributable to:

  • Intellectual Disability
  • Epilepsy
  • Cerebral Palsy
  • Autism
  • Disabling conditions found to be closely related to intellectual disability or requiring treatment similar to.

Additionally, the disability must: Originate prior to the age of 18, continues or is expected to continue indefinitely and constitutes a substantial disability for the person. Substantial disability means significant functional limitation in three or more of the following areas of life activity: self-care, receptive and expressive language, learning, mobility, self-direction, capacity of independent living, economic self-sufficiency. A developmental disability does not include other handicapping conditions that are solely physical in nature, solely psychiatric in nature and solely learning disabilities.

To determine the applicant’s eligibility, NLACRC will complete an intake assessment which may include collection of historical diagnostic information, such as medical records, school records, prior psychological testing as well as provision of diagnostic evaluation (s) if indicated. The applicant’s information is confidential and will only be released with your written consent. Please be informed that the evaluation process cannot begin prior to receipt of your written consent. Eligibility determination may take up to 120 days.

Apply for Services Here

Apply Online

I have reviewed the Eligibility Information and would like to apply for regional center services.

If your child is within 45 days of their 3rd birthday, please choose the “Age 3 or older” application when prompted.

You may apply online using the apply button or you have the option of downloading a PDF copy of the application and emailing or faxing to us.

Additional Resources

Additional Resources

Children under age 3:

Early Start application (children under age 3) can be faxed to (818) 756-6170 or submitted electronically to earlystartintake@nlacrc.org

PDF Early Start Standardized Information
DDS Information Packet for Consumers & families
PDF Application in English for Early Start (Infants and Toddlers under 3 years of age)

Paquete PDF sobre información de Intervención Temprana (Early Start)

Solicitud pdf para early start (bebés y niños pequeños menores de 3 años)

PDF Application in Russian for Early Start (Infants and Toddlers Under 3 Years of Age)

PDF Application in Tagalog for Early Start (Infants and Toddlers Under 3 Years of Age)

PDF Application in Farsi for Early Start (Infants and Toddlers Under 3 Years of Age)

PDF Application in Armenian for Early Start (Infants and Toddlers Under 3 Years of Age)

Children over age 3 and Adults:

The Application for children Over age 3 and Adults can be faxed to (818) 756-6357 or submitted electronically to intake@nlacrc.org

PDF Application in English for Children Over 3 Years of Age and Adults

Solicitud PDF para niños mayores de 3 años y adultos

PDF Application in Russian for Children Over 3 Years of Age and Adults

PDF Application in Tagalog for Children Over 3 Years of Age and Adults

PDF Application in Farsi for Children Over 3 Years of Age and Adults

PDF Application in Armenian for Children Over 3 Years of Age and Adults

For eligibility information please click here

Appeal Process

A request for an appeal is a formal request to resolve a dispute with the regional center regarding eligibility, nature, scope or amount of services and supports. This process is not to be used to resolve issues involving a denial of consumer rights. 
link to DDS Appeals Information Packet
link to DDS Appeals Process Page
Lanterman Appeal Request English Form

Consumer Rights Complaint Process

Consumers and their families have a legal right to file a complaint if they feel their rights have been violated or unreasonably denied. Please review the enclosed Consumer Rights Complaint Process by clicking this link. 
Consumer Rights Complaint Process

For questions, please email publicinfo@nlacrc.org or call (818) 778-1900.

Clients’ Rights Advocate

Each regional center has a Clients’ Rights Advocate (CRA) who helps protect regional center consumers’ rights. Please see the Office of Clients’ Rights Advocacy (brochure) link below for information about how to contact the CRA.