Register to Vote

Voter Resources and Information
Disability Vote California
Disability Vote California is a non-partisan campaign to eliminate barriers to voting, promote accessibility of voting technology and polling places; educate voters about issues and candidates; promote turnout of voters with disabilities across the state; engage candidates and the media on disability issues, and protect eligible voters’ right to participate in elections.
Voting Resources by The Arc
Visit via link above to get new, free resources on:
- Why it is important to vote, how to vote, and what to do if your voting rights are violated
- Important issues for people with disabilities and families
- Sample questions you can ask candidates
All materials in are in plain language. They are available in English and Spanish and in PDF and Word versions.
The ARC has also partnered with Disability Rights California (DRC) and the State Council on Developmental Disabilities to create the website Disability Vote California which you can find at
Voting Solutions for All People
The Voting Solutions for All People (VSAP) was developed by the Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk (RR/CC) in 2009 to take the place of an aging voting system. The project seeks a voting system that will put voters at the center and get more people out to vote.
Voter Resources
The California Secretary of State’s website has many voter resources available.
Online Voter Registration
You can now register to vote online by visiting the California Secretary of State’s web site. You will need your California driver license or identification card number, the last four digits of your social security number, and your date of birth. Your information will be provided to the California Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) to retrieve a copy of your DMV signature.
Voter Registration Cards
NLACRC has Voter Registration Cards available in several languages including English, Spanish, Tagalog, Chinese, Korean, Japanese, and Vietnamese. If you are a NLACRC consumer and you would like to receive a card, send an e-mail to Voter Preference Forms The Voter Preference Forms are also available in the same languages as the Voter Registration Cards. If you are a NLACRC consumer or if you are filling out an intake application for NLACRC, please fill out a Voter Preference Form and give it to your service coordinator or intake contact person.
Go to the Voter Preference Forms page
Additional Voter Resources
Voter Hotlines
The Secretary of State offers phone assistance to voters in 10 languages and Telecommunications Device for the Deaf (TDD).

- English (800) 345-VOTE (8683)
- Spanish (800) 232-VOTA (8682)
- Chinese (800) 339-2857
- Hindi (800) 345-2692
- Japanese (800) 339-2865
- Khmer (888) 345-4917
- Korean (866) 575-1558
- Tagalog (800) 339-2957
- Thai (855) 345-3933
- Vietnamese (800) 339-8163
- TDD (800) 833-8683