All NLACRC offices will be closed on Monday, March 31st, in observance of Cesar Chavez Day. Regular business hours will resume on Tuesday, April 1st.

If you have a medical emergency, please call 9-1-1. For urgent issues, call our 24-hour, after-hours phone line at (818) 778-1900.

Self Determination Program

What is the Self-Determination Program (SDP)?

NLACRC’s Self-Determination Program provides eligible participants with the opportunity to develop and implement person-centered plans based on an individualized budget that the participants control, within program guidelines. For more information on SDP visit Self-Determination Program (SDP) – CA Department of Developmental Services. The program is now available to all eligible consumers.

View all SDP Directives by Department of Developmental Services here (DDS): Program Directives : CA Department of Developmental Services

SDP Workbook

The SDP Workbook gives you an overview of the SDP program and process, tools that you can use through your SDP journey, and other resources that you might find useful.

SDP Process

This guide gives you an overview of the entire SDP program process from the first orientation to the implementation.

SDP Orientation

Orientation meetings are required for consumers who want to participate in the Self-Determination Program.

There are three ways you can meeting this requirement: RSVPs are required as the schedule is subject to change
1. North Los Angeles County Regional Center Live Zoom, SDP Orientation Meeting, English | SDP Orientation Meeting, Spanish
2. North Los Angeles County Regional Center video with form. Self Determination Orientation Attendance Certification Form
3. DDS/SCDD Zoom Live – The Department of Developmental Services (DDS) has partnered with State Council to develop a statewide orientation. This orientation is now available in both English and Spanish languages.

SDP Transition Support Planning Services

Creating a Person-Centered Plan is an important part of preparing for a self-determined life. While we don’t know yet if funding will be available to help you develop your plan, you can find staff/ agencies available to discuss Person Centered Planning services (Service Code 024) to future Self-Determination Participants.

SDP Coaching

SDP Coaching available to provide additional education and support on the Self Determination Program funded by NLACRC

DDS Directives

Independent Facilitator

Are you an Independent Facilitator (IF) working with Self-Determination participants at NLACRC? An Independent Facilitator is an optional service and can help you identify and coordinate the services you choose to purchase.

Staff and agencies are available to discuss Self-Determination Pre-Enrollment Supports (Service Code 099) to future Self-Determination Participants.

Financial Management Services

Self-Determination Local Volunteer Advisory Committee Meeting (SDLAC)

NLACRC, in collaboration with the State Council on Developmental Disabilities, must establish a local volunteer advisory committee to provide oversight of the Self-Determination Program. The committee must consist of the regional center clients’ rights advocate, consumers, family members, and other advocates and community leaders, and should reflect the multicultural diversity and geographic profile of NLACRC’s catchment area.

The purpose of this committee is to provide oversight of the SDP and to give consumers and families a voice in the development and implementation of SDP. The SDLAC Zoom meetings are held on the third Thursday of each month at 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm and no meetings are held in July or December.

Meeting ID: 974 1350 1392
Password: 364998

Dial by your location
+1 408 638 0968 US (San Jose)
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)

Join other participants in the Self Determination Program (SDP) at NLACRC, along with people interested in moving into the SDP, to talk about challenges and successes we are experiencing in SDP at NLACRC.

Best Practices Subcommittee (BPS)

As Self-Determination is an entirely new and different way to provide and pay for services, the law asks the Regional Center to establish the Local Volunteer Advisory Committee to “ensure the effective implementation of the Self-Determination Program and facilitate the sharing of best practices and training materials”.  So, our regional center – North Los Angeles County Regional Center {NLACRC} and our Self-Determination Local Advisory Committee (SDLAC) have created a collaboration to identify and document both Best Practices and training materials.  This collaboration is itself a Best Practice that is being viewed as a model among the other 20 regional centers throughout the state.  We call that collaboration to advance Self-Determination the Best Practice Sub-Committee (BPS).

That best practice Subcommittee is made up of the NLACRC staff most closely associated with Self-Determination Program and the elected Co-Chairs of the NLACRC Self-Determination Local Advisory Committee.  We meet at least monthly to review barriers and discuss best practices to advance the progress and fairness of the Self-Determination Program (SDP).

Below you will find many documents that were created out of this collaboration between your regional center and your self-determination local advisory committee.  If you want to know more, attend our monthly full SDLAC meeting on the third Thursday of the month.

SDP Best Practices Subcommittee Questions #1

SDP Best Practices Subcommittee Questions #2

Self Determination Support Group 

SDP Quarterly Newsletter

SDP Resources

SDP Resources