Purchase of Service Data Informational Meetings – March 25th at 1 PM & 6 PM

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Why is work important?

What is Competitive Integrated Employment (CIE)?

Competitive Integrated Employment is full-time or part-time work where you are paid minimum wage or higher. You receive pay at a rate like other employees without disabilities who have the same or similar types of duties, training, and experience.

What is a Paid Internship Program (PIP)?

A Paid Internship Program (PIP) is for people with developmental and intellectual disabilities ages 18 and over who want to develop work skills. The program funds up to $10,400 per internship for wages and employer costs. PIP can help increase opportunities for Competitive Integrated Employment (CIE).

What is an Employment First Policy?

It is a policy that makes Competitive Integrated Employment the highest priority; to make regular jobs, with regular pay, a real option for people with developmental disabilities.

California CIE Blueprint for Change

The California Department of Rehabilitation (DOR), California Department of Education (CDE), and California Department of Developmental Services (DDS) have an agreement in support of the State’s “Employment First” policy and other laws to make employment in an integrated setting, at competitive wage, for individuals with Intellectual Disability and Developmental Disabilities (ID/DD) its highest priority.

Employment Services for People with Disabilities During COVID-19

Has your employment been impacted by COVID-19? Have your hours been reduced? Have you lost your job? Are you an essential worker concerned about safety? Disability Rights California (DRC) held a webinar earlier this year that you can find on their website along with many other resources.

Transition Planning

Transition planning is based on a student’s preferences, interests, and needs that help move students into a successful life after school. This may include academic instruction, community experiences, planning and preparing for employment, and other post-school living objectives.

What is the ABLE Act?

The Achieving a Better Life Experience (ABLE) Act of 2014 allows states to create tax-advantaged savings programs for eligible people with disabilities (designated beneficiaries). Funds from these 529A ABLE accounts can help designated beneficiaries pay for qualified disability expenses.

What is CalABLE?

CalABLE is a tax-advantaged savings and investment program designed to help eligible people save for disability-related expenses without jeopardizing their public benefits.

CalABLE accounts can be used for many different disability-related expenses, such as education, employment support, housing, transportation, assistive technology and healthcare.

Talk to your Service Coordinator if you have questions about the CIE, PIP, and Employment First Policy.

For Employers

If you are an employer or business owner looking for qualified candidates and would like information about hiring people with disabilities, please send us your contact information.