Government Community & Relations Committee
Jan. 15 Agenda
Jan. 15 Meeting Packet
Meeting Minutes
The Government and Community Relations Committee (GCRC) is a standing committee of the Board of Trustees (Board) of North Los Angeles County Regional Center (NLACRC), established in Article VII, Section 7, of the Bylaws.
The chairperson is selected by the members of the GCRC. A quorum consists of 50% of the committee. The term for members of the GCRC is one (1) year.
The GCRC meets on the dates and times identified in the approved board calendar or may meet more often if needed. An agenda is prepared in accordance with the committee’s approved critical calendar. Also present at the committee meetings are the executive director and staff of NLACRC that may be requested to participate by the executive director. Any board members or interested persons are invited to participate any time. The committee may also invite the participation of consumers or representatives of other agencies as appropriate.
The GCRC may address issues assigned to it by the Board or brought to its attention by the committee members/guests and/or the executive director. The scope of these issues should demonstrate a significant impact on consumers, families, and/or the provider community. Thereafter, the committee will determine if any action is needed and, if so, will recommend the action to the Board.
The GCRC is responsible for reviewing public awareness related materials, such as videotapes/Digital Versatile Discs (DVDs), brochures, speaking engagements, outreach for board members reflective of community demographics of culture and ethnic origin, and media.
The GCRC shall inform and educate the diversified communities served by NLACRC as to the purposes, policies and operational procedures of the organization. The GCRC will also serve as a clearing house for all public awareness forums and materials developed by NLACRC’s Board for distribution to the community.
The GCRC is responsible for the review of all legislation affecting NLACRC’s business, including consumer services and/or individuals with developmental disabilities in general and, in some instances, develops a position paper for the Board’s approval and action. Further activities of the GCRC may include, recommending an action to the Board that is consistent with their position, such as:
- Establishing contacts with vendors, services groups, chambers of commerce, parent groups, advocacy groups, and elected officials
- Communicating legislative positions adopted by the Board and analyzing various legislative materials solicited from other agencies to properly inform the Board.
- Advocating with elected officials and other advocacy groups.
- Implementing and maintaining legislative actions for the Board to follow pertaining to legislative bills which may need further action