Purchase of Service Data Informational Meetings – March 25th at 1 PM & 6 PM

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Mission, Vision, Values

Mission Statement

Mission Statement

Our Mission–what we do and for whom: NLACRC’s mission is to create a community (including families) where each individual with a developmental disability has the opportunity to live a healthy, productive and inclusive life.

Vision Statement

Vision Statement

Our Vision–the difference we would like to make in our world: NLACRC empowers people with developmental disabilities to have opportunities to achieve their fullest potential in all aspects of life.

Two women gardening together

Values Statement

Our Values–the beliefs that guide our work and relationships:

  • Dignity and Respect
  • Inclusion and Belonging
  • Equity
  • Empowerment
  • Creativity and Innovation


Respect/Dignity – Individuals with developmental disabilities have a history of experiencing treatment that lacked dignity, which resulted in legislation requiring that individuals with developmental disabilities be treated with dignity as a statutory right. The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines “dignity” as “the quality of being worthy of honor or respect.” (“Dignity.” Merriam-Webster.com. Merriam-Webster, n.d. Web. 20 Jun. 2018) At its core, a violation of an individual’s right to dignity relates to actions that seek to diminish that person’s worth.

Inclusivity/Belonging – We strive for the inclusion of individuals with developmental disabilities and families in all aspects of daily life and for a culture of belonging within our organization.

Equity – We recognize each person has different circumstances and needs and we believe in equal opportunities to access services, participate in employment, participate in the community; also, equal opportunities for members of diverse communities to acquire employment with the Center, partner with the Center in business and equal opportunities for staff to professionally develop and advance in the organization.

Empowerment – We believe in educating and advocating with our community to make informed decisions about their lives, securing the services they need to achieve their goals, and to protect their rights.

Creativity/Innovation – We will have the courage to nurture original ideas, be creative in finding solutions, embrace the use of cutting-edge research and knowledge, and practice flexibility.