National Core Indicators – Survey
January 28, 2025
The National Core Indicators (NCI) Survey gives individuals with intellectual/developmental disabilities (I/DD) and their families the opportunity to voluntarily and confidentially participate in surveys to share their experiences on access to and use of regional center and community services.
- Survey responses help California learn how it is doing compared to other states.
- Survey responses help the regional centers see what they are doing well and what they can improve.
The NCI In-Person data collection concludes on June 30, 2025. A minimum of 400 surveys per regional center is needed to achieve a statistically reliable, representative sample.
The NCI In-Person Survey (IPS) is an opportunity for adult individuals to share their experiences with services and supports through interviews from the State Council on Developmental Disabilities (SCDD) staff, a DDS contractor assisting with this data collection effort.