
Service Providers – North Los Angeles County Regional Center Needs Your Input!

January 11, 2022

North Los Angeles County Regional Center wants to better understand how to best support individuals we serve and staff. We are working with Individuals and Families supported by NLACRC, the Board of Trustees, Staff, Service Providers, and other partners, and we need to hear your thoughts!

We are asking if you would please complete an on-line survey. The survey should take between 10-15 minutes of your time. We would like to know what you think and what is important to you.

Your feedback will be used to help the regional center understand the needs of the people we serve, as well as the needs of our provider community, and how to best support our community. Please feel free to tell us what you think or feel from your own experience. There are no right or wrong answers. If you don’t have an answer to a question, you can just skip the question. Also, all responses are anonymous (secret) and will not be shared individually with anyone, so it is safe to tell us how you feel or what you think.


To open the survey, please click on the above link.
If you are unable to directly access the link, please either copy and paste it into a new browser window or type it into a browser window.
The survey should be completed in one session, so please try to allow enough time.
If you leave the survey part way through, you will not be able to return to the survey where you left off; the survey will prompt you to start again.

Your input will play an important role in helping us better support our community in the coming years.

North Los Angeles County Regional Center thanks you for your time and sharing your thoughts. Your thoughts and comments will help us plan for a better future and will be taken seriously.

Thank you again!


Lety Garcia, President, Board of Trustees
Ruth Janka, Executive Director
