
RFV Announcement -Summer/Fall 2024 Request for Vendorization

August 20, 2024


Summer/Fall 2024

Published Date: August 19, 2024 

Closing Date: September 29, 2024, 11:59 p.m. (PDT)

North Los Angeles County Regional Center (NLACRC) is releasing its Summer/Fall 2024 Request for Vendorization (RFV) and is seeking proposal submissions to provide specific services identified as highly needed for individuals who are served within the NLACRC catchment. In addition, the Summer/Fall 2024 RFV proposal cycle is location- and language-specific. To assist in ensuring services alleviate the identified need, applicants must have a business or service address located in the requested location, including the Antelope Valley (AV), San Fernando Valley (SFV), and Santa Clarita Valley (SCV). In addition, applicants should be able to provide services in a minimum of one language other than English (see LANGUAGES list below). If the service you are interested in developing is not listed in the PROJECTS below, you will need to submit your proposal during the next applicable cycle of development.

Project (Service Code) Location
#1: Speech-Language Pathologist (707) All Valleys
#2: Occupational Therapist (773) All Valleys
#3: Physical Therapist (772) All Valleys
#4 Infant Development Program (805) All Valleys
#5 In-Home Respite (862) All Valleys
#6 Behavior Management Services: Behavior Analyst (612) and Behavior Assistant (615) and/or Behavior Technician (616) All Valleys
#7 Home Health Agency (854) All Valleys
#8 Adaptive Skills Training (605) Antelope Valley
#9 Socialization Training Program (028) Antelope Valley
#10 Behavior Respite Services: Personal Assistance (062), Behavior Analyst (612) and Behavior Management Technician (616) All Valleys
#11 Day Program/Community Integration Training (055/505) with Competitive Integrated Employment (CIE) and Paid Internship Program (PIP) Antelope Valley and Santa Clarita Valley
#12 Behavior Day Program Services: (515/055 plus 117) All Valleys
#13 Adult Residential Facility: Levels 2 – 4

50% or more NON-AMBULATORY ONLY (915)

Compliant with Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Home and Community Based Services (HCBS)

All Valleys

All Valleys = Antelope Valley, San Fernando Valley, and Santa Clarita Valley


For other NLACRC Request for Vendorization projects, please see:

Note: These projects do not have start-up funds associated with them. Applicants are responsible for 100% of the initial start-up cost and continued maintenance and operating expenses of the services indicated. RFV projects are considered critically needed services; however, per regulation, please be informed that pursuant to Title 17 section 54322, (d) (10) Regional Centers cannot guarantee referrals.

Service Languages

Applicants for all projects must be able to demonstrate verbal and written proficiency in English and be able to provide/offer services in at least one of the following languages:

• American Sign Language (ASL)
• Arabic
• Armenian
• Chinese – Cantonese
• Chinese – Hakka
• Chinese – Mandarin
• Chinese – Other
• Hebrew
• Hindi
• Japanese
• Khmer
• Korean
• Pashto
• Persian (Farsi)
• ProTactile
• Russian
• Spanish (preferred)
• Spanish Creole
• Tagalog
• Vietnamese


Summer 2024 Request for Vendorization (RFV)
August 19, 2024 Summer/Fall 2024 RFV release date
September 4, 2024, 2:00 p.m. (PDT) Informational Applicants Conference
September 29, 2024, 11:59 p.m. (PDT) Summer/Fall 2024 RFV submission deadline
September 30 – October 30, 2024 Evaluation of proposals by Resource Development
October 25, 2024 Proposal status (Complete/Incomplete) emailed to applicants
TBD Secondary Applicants Conference via Zoom


Applicants Conference

Please join us for an informational Applicants Conference. Attendance is not required for those who wish to become service providers but is strongly recommended.

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

2:00 – 4:00 p.m.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 860 1307 5187

Passcode: 537258

A) Eligible Applicants

All proposals must demonstrate the necessary, relevant professional experience, qualification, and organizational capacity to create and sustain high quality, effective, and long-term services that are responsive to the needs of the individual. Please see specific project details for further information.

Both non-profit and proprietary organizations are eligible to apply. Employees of Regional Centers are not eligible to apply. Applicants must disclose any potential conflicts of interest per Title 17 Section 54500, please see Attachment B: Statement of Obligation. Applicants, including members of the governing board, must be in active status in regard to all services vendored with any regional center and be financially solvent. Applicants that have been sanctioned in the last 12 months will not be eligible for vendorization.

B) Applicant Partnerships and Materials Submitted

Applicants who apply as partners must have full knowledge of the proposal packet and must demonstrate commitment to the project during start-up and ongoing operations. However, if a partner’s sole purpose is to provide financial backing to the project, the financial backer need only show financial commitment. If the partner’s role is only to provide technical support (e.g., drafting the RFV response), the applicant receiving such support is responsible for all language contained in the RFV and the eventual program design.

C) Reservation of Rights

NLACRC reserves the right to request changes in a proposal, to accept all or part of a proposal, or to reject any or all proposals. NLACRC may, at its sole and absolute discretion, select no provider for these services if, in its determination, no applicant is sufficiently responsive to the need. NLACRC reserves the right to withdraw this Request for Vendorization (RFV) and/or any item within the RFV at any time without notice. NLACRC reserves the right to disqualify any proposal which does not adhere to the RFV guidelines and/or vendorization requirements as set by California Code of Regulations, Title 17. This RFV is being offered at the discretion of NLACRC. It does not commit the regional center to award any funds to applicants.

D) Costs for Proposal Submission

Applicants responding to the RFV shall bear all costs associated with the development and submission of their proposal.

E) Inquiries/Request for Assistance

All additional inquiries regarding this application or requesting technical assistance should be directed to Technical assistance is limited to information on the requirements for preparation of the application packet. Applicants are expected to prepare the documentation themselves or retain someone to provide such assistance. If an applicant chooses to retain assistance from another party, the applicant must be able to thoroughly address all sections of the proposal during the interview process and/or demonstrate that the party assisting with the application will have a continuing role in the ongoing operation of the program.

F) Proposal Content Requirements

  1. Attachment A: Proposal Title Page
  2. Table of Contents
  3. Attachment B: Statement of Obligation
  4. Applicant’s Experience & Background per Title 17 Requirements
    • Provide a 1 – 2 page summary of the applicant’s qualifications which details education, knowledge, and experience providing services to persons with developmental disabilities and includes a brief description of applicant’s experience in developing and operating the type of project for which you are submitting a For provider experience, education, and certification requirements, please refer to the project description.
    • Resumes and copies of applicable certifications or professional licenses for directors/administrators/supervisors and all identified staff
    • Provide a copy of your résumé with at least two (2) references with addresses and telephone numbers, and a statement permitting that references may be verified by NLACRC. Applicants should be aware that the selection committee will contact references or other sources to corroborate any information provided in the proposal
  5. Service Description
    • Provide a brief description (2 – 3 paragraphs) of the service to be provided.
  1. Attachment C: Statement of Equity and Diversity
  2. Attachment D: NLACRC Cost Statement
  3. Attachment E: Business Plan – Please provide a business plan following the outline attached. Do not submit a program design at this time.
  4. Business Entity Documents – business license, articles of incorporation, articles of organization, DBA, etc.
  5. Licensed Programs Only (e.g., Adult Residential Facilities, Site-based Day Programs, etc.) – Documentation of facility license with Community Care Licensing (CCL). ARF licenses must indicate a minimum of 50% non-ambulatory beds.


G) NLACRC Proposal Writing Guidelines

The applicant is required to submit an electronic copy in a PDF format. An applicant will be disqualified from consideration for failure to follow instructions, complete documents, submit required documents or meet the submission deadline. All proposals submitted must adhere to the following requirements:

  • Use Standard size format so proposal will print out on a standard 8 ½ x 11 paper
  • Proposal must be typed using a standard font (12 point).
  • Every page must be numbered consecutively.
  • The Proposal Title Page must be the first page of the proposal.
  • The proposal must include a Table of Contents that corresponds to the proposal.
  • All sections of the Content Requirements must be addressed in the proposal.


H) Submission of Proposals

All proposals must conform to the attached Proposal Writing Guidelines and Content Requirements. The applicant must submit the completed proposal via email to No fax copies will be accepted. The proposals must be complete, typewritten, collated, and page numbered.


Deadline for Submission of Proposals

September 29, 2024, 11:59 p.m. (PDT)