All NLACRC offices will be closed on Monday, March 31st, in observance of Cesar Chavez Day. Regular business hours will resume on Tuesday, April 1st.

If you have a medical emergency, please call 9-1-1. For urgent issues, call our 24-hour, after-hours phone line at (818) 778-1900.


***CLOSED*** Behavioral Day Service with Community Integration Training Component

December 16, 2024


Community Resource Development Plan (CRDP)

Fiscal Year 2024-2025

Request for Proposals

Project #: NLACRC-2425-10

Behavioral Day Service with Community Integration Training Component

Published Date: December 12, 2024

Closing Date: January 20, 2025, 11:59 p.m. (PST)


North Los Angeles County Regional Center (NLACRC) received approval for Community Placement Plan (CPP) funding by the Department of Developmental Services (DDS) for Fiscal Year 2024-2025 and is seeking proposal submissions for the development of one (1) licensed Day Program located in the San Fernando Valley to serve adult individuals with significant behavioral challenges and/or forensic involvement, as well as co-occurring mental health diagnoses, who are exiting state developmental centers or IMDs, or are currently residing in the community. All interested applicants must have demonstrable experience supporting adults with developmental disabilities and have a physical business office located within NLACRC’s catchment area.

NLACRC-2425-10: Behavioral Day Service with Community Integration Training Component

Start-Up Funds: $200,000 (Subject to DDS approval)

This licensed behavioral day program with community integration training component, to be located in the San Fernando Valley, will serve a minimum of 30 individuals with significant behavioral challenges and/or forensic involvement, as well as co-occurring mental health diagnoses. The program will serve individuals who require specialized services, including behavior management training, forensic services such as court ordered diversion, competency training, and recidivism prevention, psychological assessment, group psychotherapy, individual psychotherapy, medication management and monitoring, interpersonal skill development, and psychoeducational interventions. For those able to participate, the program will also include a component focused on the development of vocational skills and employment.

Proposals must demonstrate strategies and methods to assist individuals in obtaining competitive integrated employment and/or acquiring skills that will lead to competitive integrated employment. Proposals must also include elements of therapeutic intervention and/or behavioral supports to be provided in order to support individuals with complex service needs in developing a path to employment. Preferred proposals will include personnel with licensure or certifications necessary for mental health and behavioral support, while also providing for a certified rehabilitation counselor or otherwise experienced employment specialist personnel. All proposals should demonstrate strategies and methods for assisting consumers in obtaining competitive employment or acquiring skills that will lead to competitive employment.


The day services program will be licensed as an Adult Day Program, with a minimum occupancy of 30 individuals, by the Department of Social Services (DSS) of the State of California.


The selected applicant will be required to develop and operate Behavioral Day Services (service code 532) with community integration and employment training components for a minimum of thirty (30) participants. The Behavioral Day Service will offer a range of services to help individuals develop skills and integrate into the community that require a behavior plan to address behaviors that require additional support. Services will be provided with staffing ratios of employee to individuals of 1:2 and 1:3 only. In addition, the program will be located will be located within the NLACRC catchment area in the San Fernando Valley.


Applicants to this RFP must be able to demonstrate prior experience providing services and supporting people with developmental disabilities, behavioral challenges, forensic involvement, and/or mental health diagnoses. The prospective provider must hire and retain qualified direct care staff in accordance with California Code of Regulations (CCR), Title 17, Article 2, Standards for All Community-Based Day Programs and Article 3, Additional Standards for Adult Day Programs.

DIRECTOR: Must have a bachelor’s degree and a minimum of 18 months prior experience in the management of a human services delivery system, or five (5) years’ experience in a human services delivery system, including at least two in a management or supervisory position.

SUPERVISOR: Must have a minimum of three (3) years’ experience in a human services delivery system, and at least one year in a comparable program, or a bachelor’s degree in a human services related field and the demonstrated ability to provide staff training, supervision, and planning.

BOARD-CERTIFIED BEHAVIOR ANALYST (BCBA) or BEHAVIOR MANAGEMENT CONSULTANT: Must meet the requirements as defined by CCR, Title 17 § 54342(a) and is required at least two (2) hours per person per month or averaged semi-annually. Consultant hours may be prorated based on an individual’s part-time attendance.

DIRECT SERVICE STAFF: Direct Service staff will not be required to be Registered Behavior Technicians (RBT) but will be required to complete specified behavior-focused trainings as outlined in the Behavior Analytic Certification Board’s RBT 40-hour Training Requirements.


New employee orientation and ongoing staff training must be in accordance with California Code of Regulations, Title 17 § 56726. The program will be responsible for developing annual ongoing training programs consistent with the program design to address the needs of the individuals being served.


Vendorization is the process for identification, selection, and utilization of service providers based on the qualifications and other requirements necessary in order to provide services to individuals. The vendorization process allows regional centers to verify, prior to the provision of services, that an applicant meets all of the requirements and standards specified in regulations and statutes.

All material and information provided herein is for the sole use of the applicants applying for this RFP.

In addition to the qualifications outlined in the RFP below, all applicants must demonstrate familiarity of California Code of Regulations, Title 17, general provisions and be eligible for vendorization by NLACRC. All applicants must also demonstrate that they possess the necessary relevant professional experience and organizational capacity to create and sustain the provision of this service.

NLACRC invites all interested parties, meeting the qualifications described below, to review the information listed herein and submit a proposal to NLACRC for consideration. NLACRC appreciates your interest in responding to this RFP to meet the unique needs of adults in need of behavioral day services.


December 12, 2024……………………… Request for Proposals release
December 18, 2024, 2:00 p.m. ………Applicants’ Conference Information Session
January 13, 2025, 1:00 p.m. ………Second Applicants’ Conference Information Session
January 20, 2025, 11:59 p.m. (PST) …Deadline for receipt of proposals
January 21 – February 12, 2025 ………Evaluation of proposals by selection committee
February 17 – 24, 2025 ………………….Interviews with highest ranking applicants, if applicable
February 28, 2025 …………………………Notice of selection emailed to applicants
March 31, 2025 ……………………………..Start-up contract signed

Applicants’ Conference

An Informational Meeting to answer questions about this RFP will be held on

Monday January 13, 2025, at 1:00 p.m.


Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 862 4734 5579

Passcode: 419362

Attendance at the Applicants’ Conference is not required for those who wish to apply but is strongly recommended.


The deadline for submission of proposals is January 20, 2025, at 11:59 p.m. PST.

All interested parties are invited to submit a proposal to NLACRC in accordance with the specifications contained in this Request for Proposal (RFP) for the development and operation of the Behavioral Day Service as described herein.



NLACRC is a private, nonprofit corporation, which contracts with the State of California’s Department of Developmental Services (DDS), to provide services and supports to persons with developmental disabilities and their families in the San Fernando, Santa Clarita, and Antelope Valleys. Developmental disabilities include intellectual disabilities, epilepsy, autism, and cerebral palsy. The Internal Revenue Services (IRS) has established NLACRC as a 501(c)(3) corporation.

NLACRC serves more than 37,000 individuals within its catchment area. Services and supports provided by NLACRC include diagnostic, evaluation, case management, and early intervention services. In addition, NLACRC purchases services from over 1,000 entities or individuals in NLACRC’s catchment area. The purchased services include, but are not limited to, out-of-home residential services, community-based day programs, transportation, independent living services, supported living services, Early Start services for children under the age of 3 years, family supports, such as day care or respite, and behavioral intervention services.

NLACRC’s funding from DDS includes funding for both the operations of the regional center and the services purchased to support the individuals we serve. NLACRC’s allocation from DDS for fiscal year 2023-2024 is $ 834,980,751 of which $ 98,349,464 is for regional center operations and $736,631,287 is for Purchase of Services. NLACRC anticipates similar funding from DDS in future years



Pursuant to Welfare and Institutions (W&I) Code section 4519.10 and the Department of Developmental Services (DDS) Rate Reform Implementation for Adult Day Services, service providers shall align with standardized service descriptions, billing codes, and payments. Services are billed at an hourly rate with rate variations based on staffing ratio, ranging from 1:2 to 1:3. (Refer Appendix 6 for Behavioral Day Services rates.)

(Subject to DDS approval)


Start-up funds are awarded with the intent of defraying the cost to develop new services. Therefore, commitments in the form of hard (dollar) and/or soft (in-kind) contributions are necessary for each applicant receiving an award.

The maximum amount of start-up funding available for each project is detailed in the project descriptions at the beginning of this RFP. It is understood that the actual cost to complete the start-up of the facility may exceed this amount. Any additional costs will be the responsibility of the applicant. Payment of claims submitted to the regional center is contingent upon the provision of acceptable documentation including, but not limited to: invoices, receipts, and cancelled checks. It is understood if the vendored ongoing service developed through the start-up contract is terminated before six (6) years of service, the Contractor shall pay back a portion of the start-up funds received for that service as follows: One sixth (1/6th) of the total start-up funds received for the service will be forgiven for each year of service, and partial years of service will be prorated to a full year. For example, if Contractor terminates service two (2) years and three (3) months from the agreed upon start date of the services, the amount to be forgiven shall be calculated as three (3) years, inclusive of rounding partial year. Therefore, in this example, three (3) years equaling 3/6th or 50% of the total start-up payment shall be due from Contractor within seven (7) business days from the last day of service provision. Contractor’s final payment for services shall not be released until repayment in full of any outstanding amount due to NLACRC resulting from termination prior to completion of six (6) years of service.


Both non-profit and proprietary organizations are eligible to apply. Employees of Regional Centers are not eligible to apply. Applicants must disclose any potential conflicts of interest per Title 17 Section 54500. Applicants, including members of the governing board, must be in active status in regard to all services vendored with any regional center and be financially solvent. Applicants that have been sanctioned in the last 12 months will not be eligible for vendorization.


Applicants who apply as partners must have full knowledge of the proposal packet and must demonstrate commitment to the project during start-up and ongoing operations. However, if a partner’s sole purpose is to provide financial backing to the project, the financial backer need only show financial commitment. If the partner’s role is only to provide technical support (e.g., drafting the RFP response), the applicant receiving such support is responsible for all language contained in the RFP and the eventual program design.


All proposals received by the deadline will be reviewed and scored by the Proposal Selection Committee selected by NLACRC. Proposals will be reviewed for timeliness, completeness, quality, experience and fiscal stability of applicant, reasonableness of costs, ability of applicant to identify and achieve individual outcomes, and the ability of proposed project to respond to the identified needs of NLACRC. After preliminary review and scoring, an interview with the finalists will be scheduled. Interviews will be scheduled on weekdays between February 17 – 24, 2025 during the hours of 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.


In addition to evaluation on the merit of the proposal, applicants will be evaluated and selected based on previous performance, including the timely completion of projects, a history of cooperative work with the regional center or other funders, ability to complete projects within budgeted amounts, and a record of accomplishment consistent with established timelines for development.

The final decision of the Proposal Selection Committee shall be approved by the Executive Director and is not subject to appeal. All applicants will receive notification of NLACRC’s decision regarding their proposal.


NLACRC reserves the right to request or negotiate changes in a proposal, to accept all or part of a proposal, or to reject any or all proposals. NLACRC may, at its sole and absolute discretion, select no provider for these services if, in its determination, no applicant is sufficiently responsive to the need. NLACRC reserves the right to withdraw this Request for Proposal (RFP) and/or any item within the RFP at any time without notice. NLACRC reserves the right to disqualify any proposal which does not adhere to the RFP guidelines. This RFP is being offered at the discretion of NLACRC. It does not commit the regional center to award any grant. Please note applicants must be in active status with NLACRC and other Regional Centers and may be disqualified for any of the following: receipt of Correction Action Plan (CAP), Sanction or Immediate Danger findings, failure to disclose any history of deficiencies or confirmed reports of abuse, previous failure to perform, or unwillingness to comply with Title 17 and NLACRC best practices.


Applicants responding to the RFP shall bear all costs associated with the development and submission of a proposal.


All additional inquiries regarding this application or requesting technical assistance for this RFP only, should be directed to Technical assistance is limited to information on the requirements for preparation of the application packet. Applicants are expected to prepare the documentation themselves or retain someone to provide such assistance. If an applicant chooses to retain assistance from another party, the applicant must be able to thoroughly address all sections of the proposal during the interview process and/or demonstrate that the party assisting with the application will have a continuing role in the ongoing operation of the program



The applicant is required to submit an electronic copy in a PDF format. An applicant will be disqualified from consideration for failure to follow instructions, complete documents, submit required documents or meet the submission deadline. All proposals submitted must adhere to the following requirements:

  • Use Standard size format so proposal will print out on a standard 8 ½ x 11 paper
  • Proposal must be typed using a standard font (12 point).
  • Every page must be numbered consecutively.
  • The Proposal Title Page must be the first page of the proposal.
  • The proposal must include a Table of Contents that corresponds to the proposal.
  • All sections of the Content Requirements must be addressed in the proposal.

The following information is provided to assist the applicant in preparing their proposal:

  • Program Design Requirements (Appendix 1)
  • Sample Service Development Agreement (Appendix 2)
  • NLACRC Board of Trustees Service Provider Insurance Policy (Appendix 3)
  • NLACRC Board of Trustees Request for Proposals Policy (Appendix 4)
  • Statutes and Regulations (Appendix 5)
  • Behavioral Day Services Rates (Effective 01/01/2025) (Appendix 6)


  • Proposal Title Page (Attachment A)
  • Table of Contents
  • Statement of Services
    1. Provide a brief description of services to be provided.
  • Service Provider Experience & Qualifications
    1. Provide an overview of the applicant’s business, including an overview of services provided, business philosophy, business location(s), business hours, number of staff, mission statement, business history, etc.
    2. Detail your company’s experience in providing services and supports to individuals with developmental disabilities, medical needs requiring nursing supports, and behavior support needs. Provide the typical profile of the people you have served with developmental disability and nursing needs.
    3. Describe your experience operating a day program for adults.
    4. Provide your process to recruit and retain quality staff.
    5. Discuss commitments you will make to ensure staff continuity, including your staff turnover experience in the last three years.
    6. Discuss how you will ensure that each employee has not been convicted of a crime involving fraud or abuse within ten years immediately preceding and during employment.
    7. Provide information on your company’s HIPAA security and privacy program.
  • Program Design Requirements (Refer to Appendix 1)
  • Applicant/Vendor Disclosure Statement (Form DS 1891) (Attachment B)
  • Statement of Obligation (Attachment C)
  • Cost Statement – Start-up Budget (Attachment D)
    1. The start-up budget amount should not exceed amount specified per project.
    2. Additionally, specify the total start-up budget amount required which may exceed the funds available with hard (dollar) and/or soft (in-kind) commitments.
  • Cost Statement – Ongoing (Attachment E)
  • Timeline to implement the project
  • Indicate whether you are currently in development with any other regional center with or without start-up grants.
  • Organization Chart that maps the supervisory hierarchy including governing boards, advisory boards, as well as other programs or facilities operated by the organization, as applicable.
  • Resumes of Staff
  • Three (3) references with addresses and phone numbers, including permission for NLACRC to contact them
  • Independent audit report or review report, income tax, profit and loss statements, and balance sheets for the last three (3) years


  1. Applicants’ Conference Information Meeting on Monday, January 13, 2025, at 1:00 p.m., via Zoom
  2. Proposals due to NLACRC no later than Sunday, January 20, 2025, by 11:59 p.m. (PST)
  3. Interviews February 17 – 24, 2025, between the hours of 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
  4. Selection by February 28, 2025
  5. Finalize vendorization/contract paperwork: March 10, 2025
  6. The service provider awarded contract should be executed by April 30, 2025


All proposals must conform to the attached Proposal Writing Guidelines and Content Requirements. The applicant must submit the completed proposal to NLACRC or Dropbox (link available upon request). Submissions that are too large to submit in one email may be sent it multiple parts, but must be clearly labeled as such (e.g., Part 1/3, Part 2/3, etc.). Proposals that are faxed, mailed, or dropped off at NLACRC reception will not be accepted. No proposals will be accepted after the submission deadline.



Sunday, January 20, 2025, 11:59 p.m. (PST)



The Proposal Selection Committee will use the criteria below to rate proposals submitted by potential providers. Each proposal shall be organized according to section K. INFORMATION TO INCLUDE IN PROPOSAL above. The scoring of proposals will determine which finalists will move forward to the interview process. Each section of the submitted proposal will receive a maximum score as follows:

Proposal Section………………………………………………… Maximum Score
Fiscal Responsibility ……………………………………………30 points
Start-up Budget …………………………………………………10 points
Agency/Individual Experience and Background ……10 points
Agency Organization and Program Staffing ………….10 points
Start-up Activities/Objectives and Milestones……… 10 points
Program Design ………………………………………………….30 points

Total Maximum Points………………………………………….100


It is anticipated that each applicant awarded start-up funds through this RFP will be operating the facility within one year after the contract has been executed.


All proposals received by the deadline will be reviewed and scored by the CPP Proposal Selection Committee established by NLACRC. The CPP Proposal Selection Committee shall be comprised of at least four (4) members, the majority of whom shall have experience in evaluating, procuring, or providing CPP services. Proposals will be reviewed for completeness, experience, qualifications, fiscal stability of applicant, reasonableness of costs, and the ability of applicant to identify and achieve individual outcomes, and the ability of the proposed project to address identified needs of NLACRC. The Proposal Selection Committee will conduct interviews of finalist applicants as determined by the proposal scoring criteria.


Upon selection of CPP service provider, NLACRC will issue an Award Letter to the applicant selected for the provision of behavioral day services. The award letter will provide instructions for completing the contracting process. The applicant selected will be expected to complete and submit all required documentation to complete the contracting process by April 30, 2025.


Within thirty (30) days of selecting the applicant, NLACRC shall post on its website the intent to award notice to include the applicant selected and the contract award date. All unsuccessful applicants shall be notified by NLACRC in writing ten (10) days prior to posting the intent to award notice on NLACRC’s website. All unsuccessful applicants have the right to protest NLACRC’s notice of intent to award the contract. Unsuccessful applicants shall have ten (10) days upon receipt of intent to award notice to protest the intent to award the contract (“Protest”). If the unsuccessful applicant does not submit the written Protest within the ten (10) day period, NLACRC shall deny such Protest and the Intent to Award notice shall be deemed final. Protests shall be in writing and shall state the grounds(s) for the protest. All Protests must be mailed, emailed, or faxed to the following address:

Arshalous Garlanian, Community Services Director

North Los Angeles County Regional Center

9200 Oakdale Avenue, Suite 100

Chatsworth, CA 91311

(818) 756-6130 (fax)

NLACRC shall take one of the following steps below, within thirty (30) days upon receipt of a written Protest:

  • Not award the contract until the protest has been withdrawn or the regional centers has resolved the protest; OR
  • Terminate the CPP process by notifying all bidders in writing within ten (10) days after the decision to terminate the contract award process; and correct the disputed items and rebid the contract.