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Consumer Services Committee

AGENDA – February 19th, 2025

VIII. G – 1. By_Ethnicity_and_Location (Jan-June 2024)
VIII. F – 1. By_Ethnicity_and_Location (July-Dec 2024)
VIII. G – 2. By_Ethnicity_and_Location_and Age (Jan-June 2024)
VIII. F – 2. By_Ethnicity_and_Location_and Age (July-Dec 2024)


The Consumer Services Committee is a standing committee of the Board of Trustees of the North Los Angeles County Regional Center, Inc., established in Article VII., Section 6, of the bylaws.
The chairperson is selected by the members of the committee. The duties of the Consumer Services Committee are to review and recommend standards and policy consistent with the needs of regional center consumers with regard to: 1) regional center services such as consumers’ rights, case management, health, psychological and community development; and 2) services provided by agencies outside the regional center.


The Consumer Services Committee meets on a monthly basis, but can meet more frequently if needed. The agenda is prepared by the chairperson of the committee and the executive director or his/her designee. Present at the committee meetings are the executive director or a designee (who acts as the secretary for the committee) and staff of the center requested to participate by the executive director. The committee may invite the participation of consumers or representatives of other agencies as appropriate. Meetings of the committee are open to any interested party.


The Consumer Services Committee may address issues assigned by the Board of Trustees, brought to the attention of the committee by the executive director, or presented by a member of the committee.

The Consumer Services Committee is responsible for review of all consumer-related matters, including but not limited to: