All NLACRC offices will be closed on Monday, March 31st, in observance of Cesar Chavez Day. Regular business hours will resume on Tuesday, April 1st.

If you have a medical emergency, please call 9-1-1. For urgent issues, call our 24-hour, after-hours phone line at (818) 778-1900.

Strategic Planning Committee

AGENDA – February 24th, 2025




North Los Angeles County Regional Center’s (NLACRC) Board of Trustees will create a permanent Strategic Planning Committee (SPC) charged with developing and implementing annual performance contract objectives. The committee will also participate in the development and monitoring of the Center’s strategic plan and give advice to the Board of Trustees on developing a long-range resource development plan.


The composition of the SPC shall be consistent with requirements found in the Lanterman Developmental Disabilities Services Act for regional centers when convening any task force or advisory group. As such, the SPC may have members who are or who represent primary consumers, family members, service providers, the State Council, and staff. The SPC should have not less than ten (10) or more than sixteen (16) members, of which a minimum of 60% being board members. The chairperson is selected by the members of the committee.

The board president, with the advice and consent of the Board of Trustees, shall appoint committee members. A quorum shall consist of 50% of the members of the SPC


The SPC will identify gaps in the service delivery system and recommend alternatives to close these gaps. The committee may identify service gaps in generic agencies within NLACRC’s catchment area that may require some systems advocacy, legislation or inter-agency coordination.


The duties of the SPC shall be to participate in the development of NLACRC’s strategic plan, performance contract and make recommendations to the Board of Trustees on adopting and modifying goals and objectives contained in the performance contract. The committee may advise to the Board of Trustees on developing a long-range resource development plan and participate in the strategic planning of types of services needed. At the direction of the Board, the SPC may be required to develop recommendations for the Board’s consideration in other areas, such as pending legislation, housing, or other activities that may require NLACRC to utilize a community forum for input.